Administrator's Quick Start Part 2

Now we are going to setup Metadata. Metadata is going to add more searchability and utility to your media. There’s no limit to how you can use this.


1. Setting up Metadata

Metadata is organised into Fields, Views and Categories. Metadata Fields are defined as fields to enter metadata, and added to Metadata Views to create forms. Metadata Categories define where in iconik that the Metadata View will be shown. Metadata can then be added to into Views for Assets and Collections.

1.1 Add Metadata Fields

Each field can hold an element of metadata that is stored against the asset or collection in iconik.

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Metadata from the left navigation bar.
  3. Choose Metadata Fields from the menu that appears from under the Metadata icon.
  4. Type a Name into the New Metadata Field and click the plus icon.
  5. The field will appear below.
  6. Click on the edit icon next to the field.
  7. The Attributes menu will appear.
  8. Choose the attributes you wish.
  9. Click

1.2 Add Metadata Views

Metadata views create forms from the metadata fields that you add to them. Using Categories you can also choose where they are displayed, and using ACLs you can define who can see the fields.

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Metadata from the left navigation bar.
  3. Choose Metadata Views from the menu that appears from under the Metadata icon.
  4. Type a Name into the New Metadata View and click the plus icon.
  5. The View will appear below.
  6. Click on the metadata view's name in the list.
  7. You can now choose the fields that you wish to add from the right.

Next Steps

Learn more

Metadata is also covered in our webinar "Getting Started with iconik"