
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Can_read_notifications
  • Can_read_subscriptions
  • Can_write_subscriptions
  • Can_delete_subscriptions


iconik can send you notifications on things that happen in the system. These notifications can be received as they happen if you are logged into iconik and have it active. If you are not logged into iconik you can also receive notifications via email if you have enabled this.

The different types of notifications can be administered on whether they are received and how they are received in the Notification Settings Page

An example of a notification is being "mentioned" in a comment. When someone mentions you, iconik can send either an email, display a notification in the iconik interface or both.

Typically notifications that are sent via email are delayed so that we don't spam you with emails and, instead, aggregate them.

Viewing notifications

Once you have logged in:

  1. Click on the Bell icon top right next to the user icon.
  2. A dialog will open with all the most recent notifications for you.

The notification will show:

  • The user or the name of the part of iconik that created the action that caused the notification
  • What the notification is (i.e. comment)
  • What entity the notification is related to (such as the asset). In most cases this is also a link to that entity.
  • When the notification was sent.

Viewing past notifications

With the notifications dialog open:

  1. Click on the SEE ALL NOTIFICATIONS link.
  2. You will be redirected to the notifications list in your User Profile page.

You can also reach this by going to your User Profile:

  1. Click on the top right on you user icon and select Edit Profile.
  2. Select the Bell icon on the right.

Subscribing or unsubscribing to an asset

On the Asset page, above the proxy viewer there is a bell icon that shows if you are subscribed to this asset or not. By default you get subscribed if you own the asset, or interact with it (Such as being part of an approval process or comments on the asset).

You can click on the bell icon to subscribe or unsubscribe to the asset if you have the necessary roles.

Learn more