
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Admin
  • Can delete users
  • Can read users
  • Can reindex users
  • Can write users

Editing users

Users can edit most of their preferences and settings themselves, but sometimes administrators are called upon to edit these details for the users or change aspects of their account which they would be able to changed themselves.

Only Admins can change:

iconik user list

Editing users

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Users from the left navigation bar by pressing
  3. Click on the user you wish to add edit
  4. You will now see the users page.
  5. Edit the details that you need to change.
  6. Click to update the user.

Profile fields

These are the main fields for the user profile. There are other settings which are covered in more detail in the users pages. For changing the user's password please see Setting Password and for Permission Settings page for more information on permission settings.

iconik user profile

  • Email - The email address of the user. This will be used to login.
  • Primary Group - The User Group that will be used to set permissions and ACLs on new entities created by the user
  • Groups - User Groups that the user will be a member of
  • First name - The users first name. This is needed.
  • Last name - The users last name.
  • Phone - The users phone number.
  • Type - The type of user. See Users for more information.
  • Status - Active for is allowed to login, InActive or Blocked if they are not.
  • Admin - Power user type is also allowed to become an Administrator.

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