
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Admin
  • Can read users
  • Can reindex users
  • Can write users

Permission Settings

This only shows when you have iconik Shield enabled.

iconik permission settings

Permission settings on a user allows you to set what IP address or IP address range a particular user is allowed to access iconik from. It's part of iconik Shield, which can also do the same thing on a User Group or Account level.

IP addresses are added just in the form (i.e. would be allowed) or you can add a range in CIDR notation. (i.e. ).

Adding Permissions.

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Users from the left navigation bar by pressing
  3. Click on the user you wish to add edit
  4. You will now see the users page.
  5. Click on Permission Settings tab.
  6. Click + ADD IP ADDRESS to add a new IP address or range.
  7. Enter in the IP Address
  8. Choose the associated Application or "All Applications"
  9. Click

Removing Permissions.

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Users from the left navigation bar by pressing
  3. Click on the user you wish to add edit
  4. You will now see the users page.
  5. Click on Permission Settings tab.
  6. Under each Application name or "All Applications" will be the row which says which IP address or range is allowed.
  7. Click the X to remove
  8. In the modal dialog that appears review what you are about to delete.
  9. Click to remove it.

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